I've been writing a lot about trojans, and keyloggers on this blog. It's very simple to make a Trojan/keylogger, but to make it undetectable by the antiviruses is the hard part. Nowadays crypting Trojan don't give a good result if you use use a public crypter, otherwise you need to buy a private edition or to hex it. Here i am going to show you how to make your Trojan, keylogger, or RAT almost FUD (Fully Undetectable) by any anti-virus software.
We gonna need a Privacy Protection Software. This kind of software is used by program creators to protect their creation from cracking and reverse engineering. We gonna do the same to a Trojan and you are going to see the result.
1. First of all you need to download the program: PC Guard for Win32
2. Open the program, and in the "Application filename" browse your server's location.
We gonna need a Privacy Protection Software. This kind of software is used by program creators to protect their creation from cracking and reverse engineering. We gonna do the same to a Trojan and you are going to see the result.
1. First of all you need to download the program: PC Guard for Win32
2. Open the program, and in the "Application filename" browse your server's location.
3. Click on the "General" tab, and check the options like on the image below.
4. Now do the same with the "Security & Encryption" tab. Look at the image below to see what options to check.
5. At the end choose "Protection Methods",
We are done!
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